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Staff Nurse Previous (Exam 2013) Questions | Post Specific Subject Part 1

updated: 23 May 2022

Practice these important questions asked in staff nurse/ Nurse Grade - A previous exams. Here are 25 important questions from the staff nurse exam 2013 ( subject-specific only)  with answers. We will add more questions in the next parts/posts. keep visiting the nurse exams page for more updates. Join Telegram channel https://t.me/nurseexams for new posts, questions, and info regarding upcoming nurse exams.

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Q.1. Antidote for heparin is
  1. Vitamin K
  2. Protamine sulphate
  3. Aminocarpoic acid
  4. Aminodorone
Q.2. Common risk of severe depression is
  1. Fatigability
  2. Hallucinations
  3. Thought block
  4. Suicide
Q.3. A patient in the second stage of labour is given which of the following injections to improve uterine contractions?
  1. Oxytocin
  2. Methergin
  3. Phenergan
  4. Diazopam
Q.4. Acute pancreatitis is manifested by an elevated
  1. Serum bilirubin
  2. Serum amylase
  3. Serum alkaline phosphates
  4. Serum creatinine
Q.5. Which of the following antituberculosis drugs van damage the 8th cranial nerve?
  1. Isoniazid (INH)
  2. Paraaminosalicylic acid (PAS)
  3. Ethambutol Hydrochloride (Myambutol)
  4. Streptomycin
Q.6. Which of the following is used in the management of hyperkalemia?
  1. Insulin with glucose
  2. Sodium bicarbonate
  3. Potassium chloride
  4. Magnesium sulphate
Q.7. Distended abdomen and absence of bowel sounds after abdominal surgery indicates?
  1. Intussusception
  2. Paralytic ileus
  3. Hemorrhage
  4. Ruptured colon
Q.8. The normal intraocular pressure is
  1. 8-21 mmHg
  2. 16-25 mmHg
  3. 20-35 mmHg
  4. 19-38 mmHg
Q.9. The size of the intravenous canulla used for neonates is
  1. 18
  2. 20
  3. 22
  4. 24
Q.10. Bleeding from the nose is known as
  1. Epistaxis
  2. Hemoptysis
  3. Hematemesis
  4. Hematuria
Q.11. Which of the following ECG findings indicate the presence of hypokalemia?
  1. Tall, peak T wave
  2. ST segment depression
  3. Widening of QRS complex
  4. Prolonged PR interval
Q.12. Which of the following need to be performed before radial arterial cannulation to evaluate radial and ulnar arterial potency?
  1. Allen's test
  2. Angiography
  3. Buerger's test
  4. Capillary refill test
Q.13. Dumping syndrome is a complication of
  1. Colectomy
  2. Subtotal gastrectomy
  3. Nephrectomy
  4. Hysterectomy
Q.14. Which of the following is used as an antidote for organophosphorous poisoning?
  1. Atropine
  2. Adrenaline
  3. Avil
  4. Aminodorone
Q.15. Lactulose is prescribed for patients with hepatic ancephalopathy to
  1. Decrease the bilirubin level
  2. Decrease the serum ammonia level
  3. Increase the protein level
  4. Increase the glucose level
Q.16. Apical pulse is assessed by placing the diaphragm of the stethoscope at the area of
  1. Aortic area
  2. Pulmonic area
  3. Mitral area
  4. Tricuspid area
Q.17. Abnormal proliferation of uterine endometrial tissue outside the uterus is known as
  1. Cystic fibrosis
  2. Endometriosis
  3. Metrorrhagia
  4. Menorrhagia
Q.18. Which of the following is used to assess the level of consciousness?
  1. Apgar score
  2. Braden scale
  3. Glasgow coma scale
  4. Snellen's chart
Q.19. Physician prescribed to administer tablet, Digoxin 0.125 mg OD orally.  Tablet digoxin is available in 0.25 MG. The nurse should administer..
  1. 1/4 tablet
  2. 1/2 tablet
  3. 2 tablets
  4. 4 tablets
Q.20. Prescription is inj. Dopamine 200mg in 250 cc D5W to infuse at 5 mcg/kg/min. The patient's weight is 50kg. How many cc/hour would this be on an infusion pump?
  1. 19
  2. 22
  3. 28
  4. 30
Q.21. Inflammation of tissue surrounding the nail is known as-
  1. Clubbing
  2. Koilonychia
  3. Paronychia
  4. Onycholysis
Q.22. Fever, headache, and nuchal rigidity are classic symptoms seen in-
  1. Parkinson's disease
  2. Alzheimer's disease
  3. Brain abscess
  4. Meningitis
Q.23. Which of the following is an indicator of AIIDS?
  1. CD4 count lower than 200 cells/mm3
  2. CD4 count more than 400 cells/mm3
  3. CD4 count lower than 600 cells/mm3
  4. CD4 count lower than 1000 cells/mm3
Q.24. Color coding for Nitrous oxide cylinder is-
  1. Black
  2. black with white shoulders
  3. light blue
  4. gray
Q.25. Goniometer is used to assess-
  1. Auditory acquity
  2. Muscle strength
  3. Range of motion of joints
  4. Visual acuity

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