Paris climate agreement is an international treaty adopted by 196 member nations at the United Nations climate change conference Paris 2015. So it wa
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The mountains of India play an important role in forming the ecosystem of the country. The magical mountains of India, denoted as the abodes of th
1.88K Join the discussion.
This Quiz is all about Crops and soil in India.This is an important quiz for Govt. Exam aspirants.
7 Questions 2.69K Join the discussion.
NATIONAL HIGHWAYS are the main highways running through the length and breadth of the country connecting highways of other countries, Important Port
1.17K Join the discussion.
Important questions asked in competitive exams from stone age.. the prehistoric period of human civilisations.
10 Questions 3.89K Join the discussion.
1 of 10 〉 IN India, Which are the important sites Upper Paleolithic cultureAndra Pradesh, Karnataka, Central MP, Maharashtra, Southern UP, South Bihar Plateau
2 of 10 〉 IN India, Which are the important sites Middle Paleolithic cultureBagor - Rajasthan and Adamgarh - Madhya Pradesh
Airports in India are managed by the Airports Authority of India (AAI) and the responsibility for Creating, Maintaining, Upgrading, and managing Civil
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The Great Plains of India are also known as Indo- Gangetic Plains . The Northern Plains are formed by alluvial deposits brought by the rivers- t
3.62K Join the discussion.
Brahmaputra river is one of the largest rivers in the world. This valley has an average width of about 80 Km. This river originates from Kailash ran
1.22K Join the discussion.
10 Questions 1.41K Join the discussion.
10 Questions 1.46K Join the discussion.
1 of 10 〉 The dew point is the temperature at which -water vapour condenses to a liquid
2 of 10 〉 Which place in India has never got the vertical rays of the Sun?Sri Nagar
A Museum is a non-profit, permanent institution in the service of society and its development, open to the public, which acquires, conserves, and exhi
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A Ramsar Site (Wetland) is a place where the land is covered by water all around. Examples of Ramsar sites are- Marshes, Ponds, the edge of lakes or o
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Forests is an area of land dominated by trees. They are the predominant terrestrial ecosystems of Earth and they are distributed around the globe and
1.01K Join the discussion.
Rainfall in India is highly unequal over a period of time in a year. The Western coasts and North East India recieve rainfall of over 400 cm. It i
1.83K Join the discussion.
Paris climate agreement is an international treaty adopted by 196 member nations at the United Nations climate change conference Paris 2015. So it wa
863 Join the discussion.
The mountains of India play an important role in forming the ecosystem of the country. The magical mountains of India, denoted as the abodes of th
1.88K Join the discussion.
NATIONAL HIGHWAYS are the main highways running through the length and breadth of the country connecting highways of other countries, Important Port
1.17K Join the discussion.
Airports in India are managed by the Airports Authority of India (AAI) and the responsibility for Creating, Maintaining, Upgrading, and managing Civil
957 Join the discussion.
The Great Plains of India are also known as Indo- Gangetic Plains . The Northern Plains are formed by alluvial deposits brought by the rivers- t
3.62K Join the discussion.
Brahmaputra river is one of the largest rivers in the world. This valley has an average width of about 80 Km. This river originates from Kailash ran
1.22K Join the discussion.
A Museum is a non-profit, permanent institution in the service of society and its development, open to the public, which acquires, conserves, and exhi
1.69K Join the discussion.
A Ramsar Site (Wetland) is a place where the land is covered by water all around. Examples of Ramsar sites are- Marshes, Ponds, the edge of lakes or o
949 Join the discussion.
Forests is an area of land dominated by trees. They are the predominant terrestrial ecosystems of Earth and they are distributed around the globe and
1.01K Join the discussion.
Rainfall in India is highly unequal over a period of time in a year. The Western coasts and North East India recieve rainfall of over 400 cm. It i
1.83K Join the discussion.
This Quiz is all about Crops and soil in India.This is an important quiz for Govt. Exam aspirants.
7 Questions 2.69K Join the discussion.
10 Questions 1.41K Join the discussion.
Important questions asked in competitive exams from stone age.. the prehistoric period of human civilisations.
10 Questions 3.89K Join the discussion.
1 of 10 〉 IN India, Which are the important sites Upper Paleolithic cultureAndra Pradesh, Karnataka, Central MP, Maharashtra, Southern UP, South Bihar Plateau
2 of 10 〉 IN India, Which are the important sites Middle Paleolithic cultureBagor - Rajasthan and Adamgarh - Madhya Pradesh
10 Questions 1.46K Join the discussion.
1 of 10 〉 The dew point is the temperature at which -water vapour condenses to a liquid
2 of 10 〉 Which place in India has never got the vertical rays of the Sun?Sri Nagar